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Harmonic Guitars

Created by Buzz Kimball, it is extremely hard to classify these 'third bridge' guitars, be they 'harmonic' or 'noise' guitars.

The two on the left are closely based on Glenn Branca's specification. The Third guitar moveable 3rd bridges (from Buzz's own original design from the late seventies) and the rightmost is an "electro-drone", which most resembles an electric tromba-marina type sound.

Buzz Kimball is a composer and instrument designer living a quiet life in rural New Hampshire. His thought-provoking articles on instrument design and craftsmenship have been featured in Experimental Musical Instruments.

Over the years he has created a remarkable and extensive variety of stringed and struck instruments, both acoustic and amplified. He is a member of Ivor Darreg's Xenharmonic Alliance and visited with Ivor in 1981. His record label, Novosonic, carries his numerous CDs.

Visit Buzz's website


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